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Narrated by Paul Coia
Written & produced by Peter Middleton
Filmed in 2023
Duration 85 mins
Widescreen Yes
Definition HD
Download size 3.6GB
Format MP4 video, with chapter markers


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Glasgow Queen Street to Dundee

We board an HST (High Speed Train) rebranded as Inter7City, alluding to Scotland's seven major cities served by these iconic trains.

Our train will call at four of these cities: starting in Glasgow at the city's second busiest station Queen Street. We run non-stop to the second City, Stirling. Here we not only see the traditional Scottish station but also inside the main signal box (Stirling Middle). Another non-stop run at up to 100 miles an hour, takes us to the magnificent junction station at our third City, Perth.

After we have seen our train signalled from one box to another, we depart over the single track 180 degree turn over the River Tay (the less infamous Tay bridge). Running via traditional block sections, controlled by mechanical signal boxes, we follow the course of the river into city number four, Dundee.

In addition to cab cameras, we filmed numerous trackside runbys, at stations, inside signal boxes (9 in total) and even from a drone for some great aerial views.

This mid-19th century railway was pioneering in its day and full of interesting history that is related by Paul Coia as we speed along in the cab of our HST.

The download version has chapter markers. Watch with VLC Media Player for the best experience.

Narrated by Paul Coia
Written & produced by Peter Middleton
Filmed in 2023
Duration 85 mins
Widescreen Yes
Definition HD
Download size 3.6GB
Format MP4 video, with chapter markers

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